ELF freebsd support put into elf32-i386.c?

Fabio Alemagna falemagn@studenti.unina.it
Sun Jan 19 12:44:00 GMT 2003

On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Fabio Alemagna wrote:

> Why have the elf freebsd support things put into elf32-i386.c? Because of
> this I get "multiple definition of `bfd_elf32_i386_freebsd_vec'" from the
> linker when trying to compile the binutils with --enable-targets=all,
> where "all" includes also the AROS target which I'm developing and which
> in turn uses elf32-i386.c. So, should I put the AROS support in
> elf32-i386.c as well? Right now it amounts at a few lines of code,
> basically the same amount of code that freebsd needs, however it's going
> to grow in the future if I want to make changes to relocation handling, so
> it has to stay in a file of its own.
> How do I solve this now?

It also happens with bfd_elf32_i386_vec, and I understand that this is due
to the fact that the test for the ELF32_I386_C_INCLUDED macro is not done
anymore... So am I supposed to put everything in elf32-i386.c?

I worked the problem around temporarily by #define'ing
bfd_elf32_i386_freebsd_vec and bfd_elf32_i386_vec to some other names
before #include'ing elf32-i386.c in my elf32-i386-aros.c, but of course
that cannot be the way to do it...

Fabio Alemagna

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