RFA: command line switches for QED series of MIPS processors.

Jeffrey A Law law@cygnus.com
Wed Jun 21 13:04:00 GMT 2000

  In message < 200006172152.OAA28095@elmo.cygnus.com >you write:
  > : Since you only add QED CPUs, and not e.g. (NEC) VR5432, VR5264
  > : or (IDT) RC64574, RC64575, it looks - in itself - like a marketing
  > : exercise commisioned by QED.
  > This is probably correct.  All I know is that as part of a contract
  > with QED we (Cygnus/Red Hat) were asked to add these command line
  > switches and to contribute them back to the net community.
QED wants their users to be able to supply flags for the QED chips and
has paid Cygnus/Red Hat to make such options available to QED.

We agreed to contribute those changes to the official tree; however, if the
changes are rejected by the community, then they will not go into the
official sources.

  > There may be more optimisations to follow, but if so, I am not
  > scheduled to do the work, so I do not know what might be involved.
I have no idea.


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