Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
2 // -*- Mode: C++ -*-
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Red Hat, Inc.
5 //
6 // Author: Dodji Seketeli
8 /// @file
9 ///
10 /// This file contains the definitions of the entry points of the
11 /// generic interface for ELF-based front-ends. The generic interface
12 /// for ELF-based front-ends is named @ref elf_based_reader. Examples
13 /// of front-ends that implement that interface are @ref
14 /// abigail::dwarf_reader::reader and abigail::ctf_raeder::reader.
16 #include "abg-internal.h"
18 // <headers defining libabigail's API go under here>
21 #include "abg-elf-based-reader.h"
24 // </headers defining libabigail's API>
25 namespace abigail
26 {
28 /// The private data of the @ref elf_based_reader type.
29 struct elf_based_reader::priv
30 {
32  void
33  initialize()
34  {
35  }
37  priv()
38  {
39  initialize();
40  }
41 }; // end struct elf_based_reader::priv
43 /// Constructor of the @erf elf_based_reader type.
44 ///
45 /// @param elf_path the path the ELF file to read.
46 ///
47 /// @param debug_info_root_paths a vector of paths to look into for
48 /// split debug info files.
49 ///
50 /// @param env the environment used by the reader.
51 elf_based_reader::elf_based_reader(const std::string& elf_path,
52  const vector<char**>& debug_info_root_paths,
53  environment& env)
54  : elf::reader(elf_path, debug_info_root_paths, env),
55  priv_(new priv)
56 {
57  priv_->initialize();
58 }
60 /// Destructor of the reader.
62 {delete priv_;}
64 /// (re)Initialize) the resources used by the current reader.
65 ///
66 /// This frees the resources of the current reader and gets it ready
67 /// to read data from another ELF file.
68 ///
69 /// @param elf_path the path to the new ELF file to consider.
70 ///
71 /// @param debug_info_root_paths a vector of paths to look into for
72 /// split debug info files.
73 void
74 elf_based_reader::initialize(const std::string& elf_path,
75  const vector<char**>& debug_info_root_paths)
76 {
78  priv_->initialize();
79 }
81 /// (re)Initialize the resources used by the current reader.
82 ///
83 /// This invokes fe_iface::initialize as wel as the virtual pure
84 /// elf_based_reader::initialize() interface.
85 ///
86 /// @param corpus_path path to the corpus to be built.
87 void
88 elf_based_reader::initialize(const std::string& corpus_path)
89 {
91  vector<char**> v;
92  initialize(corpus_path, v, /*load_all_type=*/false,
93  /*linux_kernel_mode=*/false);
94 }
96 /// Read an ABI corpus and add it to a given corpus group.
97 ///
98 /// @param group the corpus group to consider. The new corpus is
99 /// added to this group.
100 ///
101 /// @param status output parameter. This is the status of the
102 /// creation of the current ABI corpus. It's set by this function iff
103 /// a non-nil @ref corpus_sptr is returned.
104 ///
105 /// @return the resulting ABI corpus.
106 ir::corpus_sptr
109 {
110  group.add_corpus(corpus());
111  ir::corpus_sptr corp = read_corpus(status);
112  return corp;
113 }
115 } // end namespace abigail
This file contains the declarations for an elf-based. DWARF and CTF readers can inherit this one.
virtual ir::corpus_sptr read_corpus(status &status)
Read the ELF information associated to the current ELF file and construct an ABI representation from ...
const vector< char ** > & debug_info_root_paths() const
Getter of the vector of directory paths to look into for split debug information files.
virtual void initialize(const std::string &elf_path, const vector< char ** > &debug_info_roots)
Re-initialize the resources used by the current elf::reader type.
Destructor of the reader.
virtual ir::corpus_sptr read_and_add_corpus_to_group(ir::corpus_group &group, fe_iface::status &status)
Read an ABI corpus and add it to a given corpus group.
virtual void initialize(const std::string &elf_path, const vector< char ** > &debug_info_root_paths)
(re)Initialize) the resources used by the current reader.
The status of the fe_iface::read_corpus call.
Definition: abg-fe-iface.h:38
corpus_sptr corpus()
Getter for the ABI corpus being built by the current front-end.
virtual void initialize(const std::string &corpus_path)
Re-initialize the current Front End.
const std::string & corpus_path() const
Getter of the path to the file which an ABI corpus is to be created for.
Abstraction of a group of corpora.
Definition: abg-corpus.h:383
void add_corpus(const corpus_sptr &)
Add a new corpus to the current instance of corpus_group.
This is an abstraction of the set of resources necessary to manage several aspects of the internal re...
Definition: abg-ir.h:140
Toplevel namespace for libabigail.