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Re: Is there any better method to pass "-d OBJECT" options in command line?

Nan Xiao <> writes:

> [...]
>   print_ubacktrace()
> But after executing the script, I find it sometimes prompts warnings:
> WARNING: Missing unwind data for module, rerun with 'stap -d
> /usr/lib64/'
> ......
> WARNING: Missing unwind data for module, rerun with 'stap -d
> .../lib64/libvirt/connection-driver/'
> WARNING: Missing unwind data for module, rerun with 'stap -d /bin/bash'
> [...]
> So my question is whether there is a better method to specify these
> lacked "*.so" files?

See the "--ldd" option, which includes all shared libraries
transitively referenced from all binaries named with "-d BIN".
So it may be enough to name a few of the higher-level binaries
& libraries explicitly, and let --ldd pull in their dependencies.

- FChE

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