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Re: semantic error

Dear Frank,
Despite your suggestion of removing the @FILE part
from the probe point command, I still receive the same
Hereafter, there are some errors prompted by systemtap
when the option --vp 3 is enabled.

parse 'setup_fail_slab@mm/slab.c', func 'setup_fail_slab', file 'mm/slab.c'
focused on module 'kernel' = [0x0xc0100000, -0x0xc07bd000, bias 0x0 file /lib/modules/2.6.24-FNM_v2.1/build/vmlinux ELF machine i?86| (code 3)
focused on module 'kernel'
selected source file 'mm/slab.c'
semantic error: no match while resolving probe point kernel.function("setup_fail_slab@mm/slab.c").call
parse 'setup_fail_slab@mm/slab.c', func 'setup_fail_slab', file 'mm/slab.c'
focused on module 'kernel' = [0x0xc0100000, -0x0xc07bd000, bias 0x0 file /lib/modules/2.6.24-FNM_v2.1/build/vmlinux ELF machine i?86| (code 3)
focused on module 'kernel'
selected source file 'mm/slab.c'
semantic error: no match while resolving probe point kernel.function("setup_fail_slab@mm/slab.c").return
parse 'should_fail_alloc_page@mm/page_alloc.c', func 'should_fail_alloc_page', file 'mm/page_alloc.c'
focused on module 'kernel' = [0x0xc0100000, -0x0xc07bd000, bias 0x0 file /lib/modules/2.6.24-FNM_v2.1/build/vmlinux ELF machine i?86| (code 3)

Quoting "Frank Ch. Eigler" <>:

Hi, Domenico -

domenico.dileo wrote:

I would like to set a probe point for the following functions:
in order to assign a probe to them, I use the command
probe kernel.function("fail_make_request_debugfs@block/ll_rw_blk.c").call

Try just kernel.function("fail_make_request_debugfs").call and so on (drop the @FILE part), just in case that's not quite right. Try stap --vp 03 -e 'probe ....' to get way more information about stap's processing of the probe points.

- FChE

Domenico Di Leo, PhD student, Universit? degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Ph: +39 081 676770 Fax: +39 081 676574 Web:

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