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Re: Looking for service/server operators

Hi Frank et al:

Since we last addressed this, I had put in the request for $14K for a
new host and got overall approval. However, CapEx for all of PnT Eng was
over budget by quite a bit, and we've since formed a council that is
reviewing each approved item for relative prioritization on everything
from new initiatives to keeping the lights on.

If this host is fine as is, I would recommend that we return the $14K to
the pool for this year.

If there are warranty extensions needed, I might be able to fund that
out of OSAS OpEx budget.

Another option is to look at shared hosting. For example, the OSAS
ComInfra team provides managed and unmanaged VMs out of the Raeigh data

If we had a problem with the current hardware, and probably just as a
backup situation, we could likely provision a VM to bring service back
up. That might be a good way to keep things going for this year while we
look at a plan for the future.

Ultimately my goal is to normalize how we sponsor community infra at Red
Hat so that things don't fall between the cracks, live under desks, get
lost in the hardware lifecycle, etc. Some of this gets easier with
shared infra. For requests of this size I'm happy to run them through
the OSAS budget, happy to help provide and maintain services, and/or
simply appear in a budget request to help justify where and why we need
dedicated hosting, etc.

We are clearly inspired by what has been doing over the
years, and regardless of this current budget discussion I would like to
find a way for us all to be in better contact in the future. It might be
that we can provide some sysadmin support, VM backups, alternative
hosting, etc.

Let me know what you all thing.

Best regards,

- Karsten

On 03/16/2017 12:40 PM, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
> Hi -
>> I'm wondering who is responsible for what happens at
> Hey there, I guess.
>> I was alerted that projects had migrated from, and
>> I'm curious what all is hosted here now?
> We recently welcomed elfutils, lvm2 (back), publican, plus all the
> older GNU etc. stuff.
>> I've also heard the hardware is seriously aging, and I'd like to
>> work with someone to make sure that this service is taken care
>> of. [...]
> The hardware is around 5 years old, but is running reasonably well.
> (16-core, E5620, 72GB-RAM, 3T disk).  It may not be worthwhile to get
> an only sligthly-better new box, as migration downtimes are a hassle.
> But, not to look a gift horse in the mouth, what did you have in mind?
> - FChE

Karsten Wade
Community Infrastructure Team :
Red Hat Open Source and Standards (OSAS) : @redhatopen
@quaid gpg: AD0E0C41

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