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Re: git pack-objects run amok

Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 09:10:52PM +0100, Jim Meyering wrote:
>> [...]
>> From what I recall, that anecdote was already rather old when you
>> first mentioned it to me many months (even a year?) ago.
> Yeah, though it happened more than once.
>> [...] What would convince you that it's no longer a problem?
>> Successful "git gc", a passed "git fsck" and enumeration and
>> comparison of all commits on all branches that people care about?
> I'm not familiar enough with git-svn to know whether that would
> be enough.  ISTR some failures after a successful git fsck, during
> subsequent git-svn ops.

It's little more than regular git, and everything I read suggests
that git gc should "just work".  There's also a "git svn gc".

I've copied it (1.2GiB) to a system where I can operate
on it efficiently without hosing
Note that "git gc" did next to nothing, probably because
git svn now does that automatically when needed.

Repacked, it occupies 210MiB less space (940MiB).  I used this command:
git --git-dir=$d repack -afd --window=250 --depth=250

Is there much in gcc.git that is not derivable from /svn/gcc?
I.e., what would be lost if the entire repository were somehow
to explode with no backup?

Oh, and I also ran "git svn gc", which removed an additional 50MB,
leaving a new total size of 889MiB.

I suppose that removing only 20% of the size of such a large
repository is not worth the risk to you?

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