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Re: Upstream cvs repository corruption?

Dave Wysochanski <> wrote:
> Is the upstream CVS repository corrupted?
> cvs checkout: Updating LVM2/test
> U LVM2/test/.gitignore
> U LVM2/test/
> cvs [checkout aborted]: head attribute does not match file for
> `/cvs/lvm2/LVM2/test/,v'

Hi Dave,

I see the problem, and think I see how it happened, too.
The trouble is that the /cvs/lvm2/LVM2/test/CVS/fileattr file
(which normally records stuff about each file in its dir) is
out of sync.  When you look at the permissions on the containing
directory, you see why:

    sourceware$ pwd
    sourceware$ ls -ld CVS
    drwxrwxr-x  2 meyering automake 4096 Sep 18 14:00 CVS/

The "group" should be "lvm", not automake.
Trouble is that I'm a member of both, and automake is my default group,
because I contributed to that project long before I was added to the lvm

For now, I've just remove the hosed "fileattr" file and corrected
the permissions on the offending directory.  That's enough so that
your checkout will now succeed.

The longer term fix is to make the group owner sticky (chmod g+s)
in all CVS trees, so that all added directories get the proper group.
FYI, this happened to "test/" because I just added that directory to lvm.

Would someone with root access please run the following to fix lvm2?

    chgrp -R lvm /cvs/lvm2/LVM2
    chmod -R g+s /cvs/lvm2/LVM2

I nearly Cc'd Frank about this (to thank him for helping to set up git
recently :-), but thought better of it, and am Cc'ing overseers, instead.

Of course, the real solution is to switch to git,
but lvm will have to wait a few weeks for that ;-)


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