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Re: [PATCH 3/3] width data generation script

On 2018-03-02 12:43, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 02.03.2018 um 15:14 schrieb Hans-Bernhard Bröker:
>> Am 27.02.2018 um 23:30 schrieb Thomas Wolff:
>>> Also I have no idea how you'd like the generation to be invoked, e.g. `make
>>> data` in the ctype source directory, the libc source directory, a target
>>> directory, whatever. Please state your preference.
>> Optimally: neither.  This should happen automatically when needed, not just by
>> manual trigger.  Otherwise there would not really be much point putting this
>> in the Makefile at all.
> Thanks but this is in contrast to Corinna's advice, today and on 4.12.2017:
>> ... keeping the tables
>> in the repo and manually calling the generation targets sounds right to me.
>> Only maintainers (or interested parties) need to do this once in a while.
> So I think I'll follow that approach.

The statement about "integrated" into implies that the data target
should depend on the generated output, that should depend on its sources, and
perform the required action(s) on changes: cd $(srcdir) && command/script.

As expected in any build, data should be one of the dependencies of target all,
or one of its dependencies, so that generation happens if its sources change.

Otherwise additional documentation is required, more than makefile comments and
rules, to explain the why, when, and how of generation, if independent of target

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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