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Re: GIT source build failure: wcwidth.c::_wcwidth misses __locale_cjk_lang()

On 2016-08-22 14:39, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Aug 22 11:29, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> Hi Hans-Bernhard,
>> [...]
>>>> The autoconf version actually doesn't matter much so I'm using 2.69.
>>> That did not work for me. config/override.m4 insisted rather strictly that
>>> only 2.64 is allowed to be used.  I shredded lines 30ff. from that file to
>>> get past that one.
>> Same here.  Neither Jeff nor I are autotools experts, so we would be
>> mightly happy if we could get patches to pull the repo to a newer
>> autotools state.
> Hang on.  Something dreadful just occured to me.  Would a change going
> beyond --cygnus require to change toplevel?  The reason I'm asking is
> that we share toplevel with the aforementioned ex-Cygnus repos gcc and
> binutils-gdb.  If that won't work in future anymore this would make
> quitte a dent in our evil plans...

When Stefano Lattarini deprecated cygnus support in Automake, he talked
about "older" gcc and gdb relying on it. Don't know how much that is worth
though? But it was a few years ago now...


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