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Re: [PATCH] Prevent use of uninitialized file lock

On 01/07/15 14:33, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Hi Sebastian,

On Jul  1 09:26, Sebastian Huber wrote:
I am not sure if CHECK_INIT() is doing the right thing in case
_REENT_SMALL is defined.
The call to _REENT_SMALL_CHECK_INIT will still be required, afaics.  The
problem is that only the call to __sinit initializes the std{in,out,err}
pointers so, without _REENT_SMALL_CHECK_INIT, fp will point into never
never land.

Ok, I will send a second version.

Btw., don't we have the same problem in libc/stdio/gets.c as well?

Probably yes. It seems a _REENT_SMALL_CHECK_INIT (ptr) is missing as well? I try to add this to the second version.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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