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Re: Unknown FDE encoding - known issue? Resolved?

I believe the issue is an invalid relocation type; apple has a python ctypes-derived version of libffi included with their systems that has patched the bug.  

AFAIK it's not resolved in upstream libffi.

On Sep 20, 2010, at 6:46 PM, Steve Fink wrote:

> I apologize for the lack of detail, but this is a problem I ran into a
> while back while compiling Mozilla Firefox as a ppc executable (to be
> included in a universal binary). Mozilla is dropping support for ppc,
> but before I just abandon the bug I thought I should check to see if
> this is a known issue.
> The exact error message was "unsupported encoding in FDE". See
> I resolved it with the following patch, which I created but don't
> begin to understand:
> (it
> was based off some random web search result that I didn't archive.)
> It switches the FDE (Flying Donkey Earmuff?) encoding from 0x90 to
> 0x10. That fixes the compile. Whether it actually now does what it's
> supposed to, I've no clue.
> If it's been resolved in a newer libffi, I might try importing that
> into Mozilla.
> Thanks,
> Steve

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