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Top 10 for 2010: Google/SEO Tools Webinar (free)

Good day,

January is a month of New Year's Resolutions, and what better
resolution is there than to get your business SEO fit? 
(SEO = Search Engine Optimization)

Just as getting physically fit means more exercise and a better 
diet, getting SEO Fit for Google, Yahoo, and Bing means more 
time identifying your best keywords, more time adding good
page tags, and more time building useful links ...

To sign up - and find out more details on the class I am teaching -

Topics covered in the free SEO Tools webinar and my upcoming full 
7-session course (which does require payment) include:

 * Keywords - the key terms and phrases you should have
 * Page Tags - HTML tags that Google/search-engines prefer
 * Link-building - tools to identify good link targets
 * Website structure - the best website structure for search
 * Rank - determining your Google rank and that of competitors
 * Metrics - Webmaster tools and Google analytics
 * News - how to use news to rise to the top of searches

People who have taken this course love it. This is true! It is not your
father's snoozer of a webinar.  It can get pretty technical but I
take my 14 years of hi-tech and SEO experience and make it as fun as

You may choose not to continue with the paid training; even so I am
sure you will find the one-hour commitment well worth it.

Hope to see you there.  It will be time well spent!

Be seeing you,

J. McDonald

It is better to read the weather forecast before we pray for rain.
  - Mark Twain        )  contact info   (  ) update subscriber (

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