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Re: bugzilla practices

> Is the sufficient concensus to add it to the wiki under bugzilla/procedures?

Sounds like it to me.

> I agree that this is a great idea, but I think we need a very *very*
> clear goal with the triage. That goal is then communicated to the
> volunteers and we set off to meet that goal and stop when we accomplish
> it and give everyone a pat on the back :-)

I don't think I really understand you here.  What I'm talking about is an
ongoing process that ought to continue forever.  Some individuals may well
do triage work for a long time (and some might never do anything else),
rather than ever "graduate" from it.

> > 4. Auto-annotation on git commits
> Sounds like a nice thing to do...

Ok, who is going to pursue it?  Probably we should file an admin bug about
it as the place for further details and status of the effort.

Jim Meyering is the general expert in sourceware git setup, and may have
suggestions.  He is responsible for the current post-receive hook that
sends email, but that appears to be just a copy of a stock contrib script
distributed with git.

I looked at all the other projects' hooks/post-receive files and there
doesn't appear to be any that did anything interesting other than use the
same email-sending script we have now.

The old CVS setup was controlled by these lines in CVSROOT/loginfo:

# -T foo        distinguisher for tmp files
# -G glibc      bugzilla "product" field
# -m user@dom   email recipient
# -D domain     email domain sent from
# -U url        cvsweb url
# -C glibc      cvsweb ?cvsroot=<argument>
# -s %{sVv}     magic args
DEFAULT (/usr/sourceware/bin/log_accum_bugzillafied -T glibc -G glibc -C glibc -D -U ""; -m -s %{sVv})

That script can be seen at:

Ian Taylor was the last person to touch it, but I don't know who is the
best person to ask about any details.  It appears to work by a combination
of looking at the local database backing bugzilla, and sending formulaic
email to <> to make the posts.

I don't really even know any more who to talk to about the bugzilla setup
itself.  So I guess the best place for someone to start here would be to
ping both Jim and about where to go next.

For stock solutions, a quick search found
but I have no idea whether that's compatible with the sourceware bugzilla
installation or if the maintainers of sourceware bugzilla would want it
installed, or if it can be easily configured to work with the conventions
we use.
points to a different thing, but via a link to a blog entry on a server
that says (in French) that the server is dead.

> Can we avoid the complexity of 4-state flags and just use keywords to
> tag things?

I don't really understand anything about the issues of flags or keywords in
bugzilla, let alone how we're using them.  I nominate you to figure it out,
explain it to us, and propose what we should be doing.


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