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Re: [PATCH] gdb: Catch exceptions if the source file is not found

Hi Tom,

On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 11:14:16AM -0700, Tom Tromey wrote:
> >>>>> "Shahab" == Shahab Vahedi <> writes:
> Shahab> It is just a matter of time for me to write my _first_ test.
> Shahab> If the changes are OK, I will submit the test in a separate
> Shahab> patch if you don't mind. I just don't want this fix fall
> Shahab> through the cracks as apparently it did once according to
> Shahab> Tom.
> Is this needed for gdb 9?  If so, then perhaps it can land on the branch

This issue does exist even in GDB 8.3.  Nevertheless, I have  included
the test into the latest patch [1]. That  patch [1]  has addressed the
latest remarks [2] from Andrew and should be fine.

A good way to check if the issue also happens for GDB 9 is by  running
the test in a GDB 9 branch.  I don't have one ready now,  but  if  you
want I can give it a try.




> without a test.  For trunk there's normally no particular rush to get
> things in, and I think it would be good to have the test at the same
> time.
> Tom

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