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Re: Gerrit request

On Tuesday, October 15 2019, Tom Tromey wrote:

>>>>>> "Simon" == Simon Marchi <> writes:
> Tom> This would be a lot better if the email included more of the patch
> Tom> context.
> Simon> It doesn't seem to be possible out of the box.  The template can only work
> Simon> with the data passed by Gerrit.  For a line comment, we only get the single
> Simon> line it refers to:
> Simon>
> That's unfortunate.  For me this makes the patch reviews pretty
> unreadable on the list.
> Maybe a gerrit feature request is in order.

I had found this limitation yesterday before Simon's reply, and I was
looking into opening a bug report/feature request against gerrit, but
they use Chromium's bugzilla, which requires a Google account to post
things, so that's a no-no for me.

Maybe someone else can do that.


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