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Re: [RFC 8.3 0/3] Some style fixes

>>>>> "Hannes" == Hannes Domani via gdb-patches <> writes:

Hannes> 1) Outside of TUI, escaped characters (< 040 and 0177) aren't handled correctly any more when
Hannes> list'ing some source code, resulting in an endless loop.
Hannes> See print_source_lines_base(), I just added "++iter" in the last 2 if() blocks, that fixed it for me.

Hannes> 2) In TUI, scrolling right with the arrow keys, the first keypress doesn't do anything.
Hannes> (that's just a very minor nuisance)

Hannes> 3) Again in TUI, scrolling right handles TABS and escaped characters as single characters,
Hannes> which just looks weird.

Thanks, I will take a look at these.

I suspect #2 is the nonl problem.  Could you try the patch I sent in
another branch of this thread?


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