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Re: RFA: Patch: annotations -vs- deprecated hooks

>>>>> "Nick" == Nick Roberts <> writes:

Nick> In Emacs, variables get marked as obsolete but they are rarely
Nick> removed from the code.

I think that makes a lot of sense for Emacs, because there are
millions of lines of elisp out there, and breaking those randomly
would be unfriendly.

I don't think this consideration applies to gdb, though.

Nick> Creating observers just for breakpoints results in a mixed
Nick> approach for annotations as others don't use observers and
Nick> removing the deprecated label might encourage their use.

Yes.  I'm aware of the calls to annotate_* all over gdb, and the
strangely named "breakpoints_changed".

I have a followup patch to get rid of the latter.  I didn't submit it
since it causes a test suite regression :).  My approach was different
from yours in that I tried to piggy-back this on existing observers --
I'm basically trying to avoid adding observers at *every* place we
currently have a deprecated hook.  Some of those places seem like odd
spots for a hook (e.g., breakpoints_changed is called from
set_raw_breakpoint, which somehow just seems wrong to me).

Anyway, I was not actually planning to look at annotate_*; I'm
ambivalent about my breakpoints_changed patch.  I mostly wanted to get
rid of all the deprecated bits.


Oh, sorry about this.  I remembered these patches vaguely but didn't
realize how much overlap there was with my cleanups.

Anything implemented twice like this must be a good idea :-)


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