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Re: RFA: Patch: annotations -vs- deprecated hooks

Tom Tromey writes:
 > >>>>> "Nick" == Nick Roberts <> writes:
 > Nick> The plan is to remove annotations wnen GDB/MI has full
 > Nick> functionality anyway.  Is there much benefit from doing this?
 > Nick> If not, I would suggest that "if it ain't broke don't fix it".
 > After being confused by the event/hook/observer stuff while working on
 > Python, I decided that I'd try to get rid of the deprecated event
 > mechanisms.  It never occurred to me that gdb maintainers might not
 > want this, so I didn't ask about it first.

I'm not a maintainer, but maybe that's not what you meant.

 > Is it just annotations that you care about, or all the deprecated hook
 > stuff?  I think it all falls into the category of not-broken.

Emacs still uses annotations and it seems to work OK.  Your earlier change,
emoving event hooks, removes a significant amount of code and stops others from
using them in the future.  This patch, however, while probably safe (I've not
checked) doesn't seem worthwhile to me since this code _will_ disappear in the
future anyway.


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