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Re: how to add ethernet support for SNDS

On Freitag, 20. Februar 2004 05:46, Jonathan Larmour wrote:
> Hu Ying wrote:
> > Hi Jonathan,
> >
> > I tried to build a redboot supporting ethernet from the "net" template.
> >
> > I chose the net template for SNDS100, add the "Samsung KS32C5000
> > ethernet driver" and "RedBoot, the Red Hat bootstrap" packages. and I
> > enable the "Behave as a ROM monitor" option in ecos HAL. The startup
> > type is also set to "ROM".
> This isn't right. To build redboot you need to start with the redboot
> template. You should also then import the .ecm file in
> hal/arm/snds/current/misc
> However, just to be clear, do you know that someone still needs to port the
> KS32C5000 driver to the SNDS platform? There's a bit of glue required
> before it will work.

As I know the ks32c5000 driver works as it is with the SNDS100 board.
To get a network ready RedBoot for SNDS100 you only have to add the 
ks32c5000 ethernet package and the generic ethernet package.
As I can remember is the default phy device the right one, so it
should work.


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