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Re: mutt cygcheck status "Incomplete"

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 2/16/2011 3:29 PM, L Anderson wrote:
I have been unsuccessful getting 'mutt' to install without always showing
"Incomplete". Using 'setup', neither "re-install" nor "delete/install"
the problem. I install from my local directory which I keep current using


Package Version Status
Missing file: /etc/Muttrc.setupnew from package mutt
Missing file: /etc/mime.types.setupnew from package mutt
mutt 1.5.20-1 Incomplete

Does this mean there is a 'mutt' packaging problem or ???

Check the postinstall script in /etc/postinstall ( It might move these files which will make cygcheck think they are missing.

The only entry in '/etc/postinstall' related to 'mutt' is '' which, if I understand things correctly, means that mutt was installed ok.

I did a search on my entire cygwin installation and could not find either of the two missing files. The only place I can find them referenced is in 'mutt.lst.gz', which is just what 'cygcheck' uses to determine that 'mutt' is incomplete.


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