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From a cygwin command line, any way to run a normal file using the default Windows program for the file extension?

Is there a way to run a non-exe file so that the default program for
the file's extension is used to open the file?  If I browse to the
file in the Windows File Explorer I can double click the file and
Windows will automatically start the program for that given file type.
 For instance, I can click on a .xls file and Windows will
automatically start Excel and have it open that file.  Is there a way
to do something similar from a cygwin command line?  That is, I'd like
to be able to do something like this:

  cygwin> cd /tmp
  cygwin> ls
  cygwin> runfile a.xls

and have it automatically look in the File Types listing of File
Explorer and start the associated program to open the file.


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