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RE: Headers not found when gcc4 installed without gcc3

Ken Brown wrote on 16 October 2008 03:41:

> On 10/15/2008 7:10 PM, Dave Korn wrote:
>> there's no way on earth that installing Gcc-3 should
>> cause any X-related headers to be pulled in.  Both setup.hints for
>> gcc-core and gcc4-core pull in w32api, and that's it by the way of
>> headers. 
>>   Is it perhaps possible that your initial install failed to completely
>> run and the second time round setup.exe got the missing bits anyway -
>> only coincidentally at the same time as you installed gcc-core?
> It's possible.  What puzzles me, though, is that the X11 headers were
> never missing; they were in /usr/X11R6/include all along.  [Maybe I
> didn't make that clear in my original post.]  It's just that those
> headers weren't found by the configure script.  So I thought that the
> installation of gcc-core might have done something to get the (already
> existing) headers into the search path for headers.  Is that impossible?

  Well, the main thing it would have done is make an executable called "gcc"
available in your $PATH, which could well solve any number of failures in a
configure script if by any chance you forgot to specify "CC=gcc-4 CXX=g++-4"
the first time you tried to configure it....

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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