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Re: Headers not found when gcc4 installed without gcc3

On 10/15/2008 7:10 PM, Dave Korn wrote:
there's no way on earth that installing Gcc-3 should
cause any X-related headers to be pulled in.  Both setup.hints for gcc-core
and gcc4-core pull in w32api, and that's it by the way of headers.

  Is it perhaps possible that your initial install failed to completely run
and the second time round setup.exe got the missing bits anyway - only
coincidentally at the same time as you installed gcc-core?

It's possible. What puzzles me, though, is that the X11 headers were never missing; they were in /usr/X11R6/include all along. [Maybe I didn't make that clear in my original post.] It's just that those headers weren't found by the configure script. So I thought that the installation of gcc-core might have done something to get the (already existing) headers into the search path for headers. Is that impossible?


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