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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: parrot-0.7.1-1 with parrot-perl6 and parrot-languages

The parrot packages with libparrot0 and libparrot-devel,
plus parrot-perl6 and parrot-languages are updated to 0.7.1-1 for
the Cygwin distribution.

Parrot is a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and
execute bytecode for interpreted languages.
Parrot is a target for the upcoming Perl 6 and a lot of other

Canonical new homepage:
 The Parrot wiki is at

Canonical download:

Parrot 0.7.1 News:
- Implementation
  + add -I and -L command line options
  + support for null strings in NCI calls
  + preliminary support for resumable exceptions
  + add '.hll_map' method for dynamic HLL type mapping
  + more parrot_debugger fixes
  + remove obsolete '.past' extension
- Languages
  + Rakudo (Perl 6)
    - now over 3300 passing spectests
    - precompiled modules
    - precompiled scripts  (--target=pir can now be executed standalone)
    - Support for @*INC and %*INC varialbes
    - additional builtin methods and subs
    - added 'fail' function, warnings on use of undefined values
    - m/.../ regexes
    - qq, qw, q quoting forms
    - run tests in parallel
    - gather/take
    - Perl6MultiSub
  + Cardinal (Ruby):
    - 'require' and precompiled modules
    - many new tests
    - all Array tests pass
    - regexes
    - default arguments to functions
    - new committer
- Compilers
  + PCT:
    - add :loadinit attribute for PAST::Block
  + PIRC:
    - major refactoring to allow all PIR keywords as identifiers
    - links to libparrot now, so all Parrot ops are recognized as such
    - implemented .loadlib, .HLL_map, .HLL
- Miscellaneous
  + add Xlib and Mysql modules and test programs to NCI examples
  + many updates and cleanups to PDD documents

Thanks to all our contributors for making this possible, and our sponsors
for supporting this project. Our next release is 21 Oct 2008.

Packaging Details:
----- version parrot-0.7.1-1 -----
* building with already installed parrot now supported, testing not.
* includes the patches from 0.7.0-1, plus
  a merge from the branch cygwin070patches, just without languages/jvm


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Once you've downloaded setup.exe, run it and select "Editors"
or "Text" and then click on the appropriate fields until the above
announced version numbers appear if they are not displayed already.

If your mirror doesn't yet have the latest version of this package after
24 hours, you can either continue to wait for that site to be updated or
you can try to find another mirror.

Please send questions or comments to the Cygwin mailing list at:

If you want to subscribe go to:

I would appreciate if you would use this mailing list rather than
emailing me directly.  This includes ideas and comments about the setup
utility or Cygwin in general.

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing
list is the appropriate place.

Reini Urban    

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