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Removing the hippo

I have sshd running on my Windows XP system so I can ssh to localhost
and use the nice putty window instead of the DOS style window to use
cygwin bash.  The last time I updated my cygwin apps using setup.exe,
I started getting a banner when I login using ssh:

Last login: Fri Oct  3 10:41:49 2008 from localhost
      ____________________,             ______________________________________
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 QQQQQQQQ        _jjjjjjjjjjjjjj/~~~~  |      The Hippo says: Welcome to      |
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   (QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQF=         |______________________________________|

I don't get the banner if I start the bash shell from teh Start menu.
I've tried setting up a banner in /etc/sshd_config, but that just adds
to what is displayed.  Any idea how I can get rid of this huge logo?


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