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RE: Line info causes GCC to bomb?

On 20 August 2007 12:40, Brian Dessent wrote:

> g6522c wrote:
>> If I can locate the relevant routines in gcc I might be able to provide a
>> patch.  My 
> I wouldn't spend too much effort on that.  It's fixed in 4.x, and the
> 3.x branches were closed a long time ago.  OTOH, it might be nice to
> have this fixed in the Cygwin-distributed gcc; however since it seems to
> be a rather esoteric corner case it's not a huge priority.

  It's not that likely that I'll spin any more cygwin 3.x releases, unless
there's huge demand for it or some bug crops up that impacts a lot of people
in everyday use, but please do Cc me if you generate any patch, because it
might just happen.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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