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Re: Weird cosmetic bug after viewing bash man page

Aaron Humphrey wrote:
On 12/14/06, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Does this only happen with the bash manpage, or do you see it with other
manpages as well?

It seems to vary. I see it with 'man vim' and 'man printf' after the first screen, for instance, but not with 'man man', unless I pick just the right line. Which makes it seem less likely that it's a problem with the man page formatting. In all the cases which cause the problem, the last bit of text on the screen is highlighted, but it shouldn't be.

Yes, that sounds right... like either an attribute is not being cleared, or even that they are backwards. Um... would this by chance happen any time a bold word gets hyphenated? (Just a WAG.)

Btw, what versions of groff and less do you have installed? Also, what
is the output of 'man -d bash' (just the part after 'not executing
command:', please)?

less is 381-1, as I listed previously;

Sorry, missed that...

groff is 1.18.1-2.

Ok, same as me.

But... I only have man-1.5p. Maybe 'man' is the problem?

The output you're after is, I presume:

 (cd "/usr/share/man" && (echo ".pl 11i"; /usr/bin/cat
'/usr/share/man/man1/bash.1') | /usr/bin/tbl | /usr/bin/nroff -Tlatin1
-mandoc | /usr/bin/less -isrR)

Hmm. What happens if you enter exactly that, but 's/-Tlatin1/-c/'? (Did you say you are using WCLI*/rxvt/xterm...?)

HEY! If I do likewise but making the opposite substitution, mine breaks! It looks like '-Tlatin1' is the problem. IIRC you can fix this by editing man.conf, but we need to either change it back in the official package or figure out why it is breaking. (I'm using Console, which is effectively WCLI).

(* WCLI = Windows Command Line Interface, i.e. 'the DOS window')

Interesting.  Where does the '.pl 11i' bit come from?  It's not in it hardcoded, or hiding in my environment somewhere?

Might be hard-coded, there are a few things like that. Line length, for instance, if your screen is not 80 columns.

What? This signature /again/?

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