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Re: Weird cosmetic bug after viewing bash man page

Aaron Humphrey wrote:
I've seen this as well, my prompt(and everything I type)turning white
if I don't go through the "bash" man page all the way to the end.  I
note that "stty sane" does nothing, nor does hitting enter; my prompt
stays white.  (This is in tcsh, where my "prompt" variable is "[%n@%m
%c02]$".  In the standard window, it's gray on black.)

I note that when I look at the man pages for bash, there seems to be a
lot of highlighted-in-white text, a lot more than on the Linux version
of the same page.  Perhaps the bash maintainer should be looking at
the codes in the man page?

Ok, this is useful; it sounds like 'man bash' is in fact leaving the bold attribute turned on incorrectly. Aaron, in your case your prompt does not clear the attribute; I assume "printf '\033[0m'" fixes things? Does this only happen with the bash manpage, or do you see it with other manpages as well?

Btw, what versions of groff and less do you have installed? Also, what is the output of 'man -d bash' (just the part after 'not executing command:', please)?

What? This signature /again/?

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