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Re: 1.5.21: ssh client failure

mwoehlke wrote:
Hans wrote:
My cygwin ssh client (OpenSSH 4.3p2) has a problem: it does not send
the ID string to the sshd server.  I have attempted to log in to two
remote servers, and also to localhost ($ ssh localhost).  In all
cases, the logs of the server I am attempting to log in to say:

"Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN"

I would be grateful for any assistance in diagnosing the problem.

Ok, first read (especially the part about ATTACHING, not appending, cygcheck output).

Ah, I see you know the drill. But it would help (a lot) if you mention that you've already posted recent cygcheck output (better if you can give us a link to it). Assuming nothing has changed since your last report, of course.

Second try a snapshot, and try cygwin-1.5.19. (Maybe you did that already since you said '1.5.21' in your subject? I can't tell from your message.) If it works with a snapshot and/or a previous dll version, then please do a binary search to narrow down where it broke.

...and, as I pointed out, it is totally unclear whether or not you've done this, so I'm not going to feel really guilty here. Your subject makes it sound like you did, but as you may have noticed, I cannot read your mind.

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