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Re: 1.5.21: ssh client failure

Hans wrote:
My cygwin ssh client (OpenSSH 4.3p2) has a problem: it does not send
the ID string to the sshd server.  I have attempted to log in to two
remote servers, and also to localhost ($ ssh localhost).  In all
cases, the logs of the server I am attempting to log in to say:

"Did not receive identification string from UNKNOWN"

I would be grateful for any assistance in diagnosing the problem.

Ok, first read (especially the part about ATTACHING, not appending, cygcheck output). Second try a snapshot, and try cygwin-1.5.19. (Maybe you did that already since you said '1.5.21' in your subject? I can't tell from your message.) If it works with a snapshot and/or a previous dll version, then please do a binary search to narrow down where it broke.

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