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Re: apache2 reports bad system call

Reformatted top-post.

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Robert Khachikyan wrote:

I successfully have installed and have been using cygwin on my windows XP.
Just recently I decided to add a web server. After installing the apache2,
it complains of 'Bad system call':

Robert@home_pc /etc/apache2
$ /usr/sbin/httpd2.exe
Bad system call

Robert@home_pc /etc/apache2
$ /usr/sbin/httpd2.exe -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.2
Server built:   Jun  6 2006 13:28:20

However, when starting the apache1.3.33, I have no problem. But due to security,
I'd like for the apache to be up-to-date.....You guys have any suggestions?....thanx....

Read the readme? Sounds to me like apache2 requires IPC via Cygserver.
I would think the readme would talk about this (don't have apache2 installed
myself so I don't know for sure but then again Max is a pretty thorough guy).
If you're looking for more info on Cygserver, see:


Robert Khachikyan wrote:
> Initially when I installed sshd, it was said to have the CYGWIN
> environment variable to 'ntsec'.
> After reading your forwarded link, I switched it to 'server' and it runs
> ok now...thanx...

"ntsec" is the default and has been for some time. Adding it to the CYGWIN environment variable pretty much is only useful for "documentation" purposes but adding it causes no harm either. However, in case there's any confusion, it is possible and permissible to add more than 1 option to the CYGWIN environment variable.

-- Larry Hall RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX Holliston, MA 01746

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