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Re: unmount drive in cygwin - is it possible

Mark Bevan <mark_bevan_email <at>> writes:
> I have compiled ntfsprogs 1.12.1 for use with cygwin -
> compilation went well and I know have the set of
> executables available.
> Whenever I run ntfsresize (even just to get info on
> current NTFS filesystem using -i option) I am told :
> ntfsresize v1.12.1 (libntfs 8:1:0)
> ERROR: Device '/cygdrive/e' is mounted read-write. You
> must 'umount' it first.
> However there doesn't seem to be a way to unmount a
> disk in cygwin :
> $ umount /cygdrive/e
> umount: /cygdrive/e: No such file or directory
> Maybe this because this because the underlying windows
> operating system (Windows XP) doesn't allow for this
> or maybe I am not using the right commands ?

Did you try using the raw device name instead of the filesstem?
That is, something like:

   ntfsresize /dev/sda1

for the first partition on the first disk.  See the "Special
Filenames" of the Cygwin User's Guide for more info.


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