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Re: Signals

On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 01:35:52PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 11:25:27AM -0700, John Buttitto wrote:
>>I wrote some simeple test code in Java to trap signals. Seems to work
>>well, I then ported it to cygwin. The code listens for the SIGINT and
>>prints a message. When I hit Ctrl-C while it is running the proper signal
>>gets sent and traped.
>>I then go to a second shell/Window  and do a ps on the process running and
>>try to send a kill -s SIGINT <pid>. In cygwin this does not work the
>>process dies with out traping the signal.
>>Was wondering if anyone else ran into this and what silly thing I am doing
>>that causes the issue?
>There was a problem with the setup.ini file on  It should
>be fixed now but it will take a while to propagate.

Sorry.  Somehow I responded to the wrong message.  How embarrassing.


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