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Re: A new day, a new snapshot, more testing required on the road to 1.5.19

Can you duplicate this hang at will or does it take a full run of an OpenOffice
build to tickle it?

So far (two cases) it hang in different places. It happened a few hours into the build :( But I'll try to reproduce a small testcase tomorrow.

I got a third hang in the same spot as the second and was able to create a somewhat large testcase.

The following is a reduced (well 9MB zipped, 54MB unzipped) testcase for a
hang when building OOo with cygwin snapshots 20050913 and 20050914(both).

To reproduce get from
to c:\ and start loop.csh.

$ cd /cygdrive/c/solver/

$ ./loop.csh
Thu Sep 15 00:28:01     2005
(nothing, no output) .....

You will see in the windows task manager that cppumaker is doing something
but then it will hang. cppumaker will vanish from task manager but a "zombie"
perl will remain. This perl will not be mentioned in the ps output.

If you CRTL-Z the script and start ps you will still see the cppumaker process.


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