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Cygwin 1.5.13 Vs. SETI@Home on Windows XP

I was having the same problem as Patrick Graebal (see Bash hangs, CTRL-C
required).  The cygwin shell was very slow to start, and executing
"bash --login -i -x" showed that the time consuming programs were the same
(id -un, uname -s, etc.).  I also tried reinstalling base packages, a
complete reinstall, etc.  On a whim, I shut down SETI@Home, and things were
back to normal speed.

My SETI@Home client is setup to run all the time in the background.  When it
is set to only run when the screensaver is active, it seems to not
interfere.  So, my solution for now is to change my SETI@Home settings.  If
it matters, I'm running SETI@Home version 3.08.

cygcheck.out is attached, if it is significant.  And, while I'm posting,
thanks to everyone for the great work you've done with Cygwin - my work
would be impossible without it.

John Whitlock
John DASH Whitlock AT IEEE DOT org

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