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RE: Fixing quoting in Outlook (Was RE: Request for a version/ rev ision/ release number for the whole Cygwin release/ distribution)

Brian Dessent wrote:
> Fred Kulack wrote:
>> Yeah, I use Outlook Express or Lotus Notes.
>> I never know what the hell you all are talking about WRT this
>> topic... 
>> You mean you can display messages other than time (or another
>> column) ordered? Hmmm... Interesting...
> Good god, how do you get anything done without threading?  It's
> essential to reading mailing lists.  A good example of what it's
> supposed to look like is to look at the Gmane archives, for example:
>    Notice that there's a
> tree structure formed by replies?  That's how mail is
> supposed to work,
> and is how any decent MUA will display it (if you choose "threaded"
> mode.)  
I think you missed the smileys?

> I can't comprehend how anyone can follow more than the 
> smallest of mailing lists without having messages organized into
> threads.  
You can get used to a lot of bad things.
It's not easy or optimal but it can be done.
It may help with my multitasking and object-orientation.
Or explain the spaghetti in my code...

> Maybe
> this explains why the practise  of proper quoting has also become more
> rare, to be replaced by that terrible "top post and include the entire
> original at the end" mode that all Microsoft email products
> default to.
You forgot HTML email.

> The person that thought that one up needs to be tortured,
> long and hard.
Or given a nice rubber room to play in and no sharp objects?
Or is that just us victims/users?

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