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Re: ln and mkshortcut inconsistent in handling of .exe extension

At 02:23 PM 9/29/2003, Matt Swift you wrote:
>  2) The files "symlink-to-base" "symlink-to-base.exe" should have the
>     .exe extension silently added to the Windows shortcut target: at
>     present, the files are not valid Windows shortcuts (they appear
>     to Windows Explorer as a shortcut, but have an empty "Target"
>     which can not be altered in the usual way; the Comment field is
>     correct).  This behavior would match `mkshortcut''s, which adds
>     the .exe extension to the Target when it is not supplied on the
>     command-line (what appeared on the command-line appears verbatim
>     in the Comment field, however).

'ln' and 'mkshortcut' have different behavior for a reason.  See 
The difference is why 'mkshortcut' exists.  Otherwise, we'd just have
'ln' (which is all we had for quite some time until the need for 
different behavior was realized).

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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