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Re: SSH session terminates with Ctl+C

> Don't do that.  Set CYGWIN to 'tty' in your environment before starting
> Cygwin.  See <>.

Hi Larry,
Sorry about the confusion, I've never had to set this before, and I thought
that you meant the bash environment.  Your suggestion worked, but only when I:

   set CYGWIN tty

... in the .bat file I use to start the cygwin bash shell (cmd.exe).  If I set
this same environment variable in my windows environment (settings ->
control_panel ...) it didn't work.  Interestingly enough, either way I set it,
it did show up as being set in my bash environment once I started the shell. 
But I'm not sure why one way works over the other.

Anyway, I'm happy your suggestion works; no more Ctl+C killing my ssh
sessions.   Thank you very much.  Maybe we can end this rediculously long
thread now!
- Jeff

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