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Incomplete installation problems

Hi every body at Cygwin,
your job is great and I wish it will continue.

Now the problem : I'm not a newbie and made a lot of cygwin installations
on different M$ systems ( NT4, W2K, XP) all working.

I decided few weeks ago to upgrade my old installation directory by
downloading a new one.

I've donwloaded an installation image from 3 different locations, made an
local install (with the "all" root tree set to install) form the downloaded
directory and still have the same problem.

The installation finish but when I try to simply type the "ls" command the
response is "command not found".
Then I try a cygcheck and get : "id.exe unknown dll, can't find

Where is my mistake ?

here are the setup log file(See attached file: setup.log) from my last

Thanks for giving me an answer.

Best Regards.

Marc Daumas

Attachment: setup.log
Description: Binary data

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