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Re: SFTP server when / is c:\

At 12:44 PM 7/24/2001, Mark Bradshaw wrote:
>SFTP server has some unfortunate logic that occurs when you try to ls, get,
>or put things in root (/).  It's got logic all over the place that creates
>paths that start with "//".  Cygwin doesn't like to deal with these kind of
>paths. <grin>  This causes ls, get, and put (at least) to not work in /.
>When you do an ls (for example) sftp server creates pathnames to pass back.
>It does this by combining the path + "/" + filename.  This works great as
>long as the path doesn't includes a final /, which it normally doesn't.
>However, when you switch to / the path is / (obviously).  The ls would then
>end up coming back with things like //., //.., //cygwin.bat, etc.
>Seems that unix machines deal with these double slash paths, but cygwin
>doesn't?  Am I on track here.  Either way, I'm wondering which direction is
>the best to attempt a patch with.  Patch sftp-server.c in lots of spots, or
>cygwin in (?) spots?

An argument could be made either way but I would suggest that its best to
make SFTP as portable as possible.  In that context, patching SFTP is 

Larry Hall                    
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