cygwin archive
thread index for July, 2001
This is the mail archive of the
mailing list for the Cygwin project.
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the thread;
the notes following that are in the chronological order of when they
were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top, but within
a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the top.
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and
everything will be all right.
- Rebooting a windows 2000 box,
Michael A . Behr
- BUG - 1.3.n accept fails if NULL sockaddr * argument and other related stuff.,
Mike Thomas
- Re: zmodem for cygwin (rz.exe and sz.exe),
James Grishaw
- unlink() problem,
John Wiersba
- Non-delivery of virus infected e-mail,
- rm - access violation not counted in W2k Professional,
Jari Aalto+list.cygwin
- Re: Scrolling problems with rxvt .,
- Excel add-in and cygwin.dll,
Slavek F Kuzniar
- Réf. : Re: Scrolling problems with rxvt.,
- playing audio in cygwin,
Matt Merrick
- Scrolling problems with rxvt.,
- "Illegal User" logging into sshd,
Prentis Brooks
- Problems with ViM,
Veinardi Suendo
- GNAT cross compiler for PowerPC,
Krishna, Buska (IE10)
- GNAT croos compiler,
Krishna, Buska (IE10)
- version 1.3.2 has bug in correctly returning error code condition on WIN 2000 operating system,
David King
- "Illegal User" when logging into sshd,
Prentis Brooks
- Problem linking to a MSVC DLL with gcc.,
Richard Cochran
- make, sh, bash and echo,
- cvs and .lnk files,
Keith Starsmeare
- Setup Question,
Kenneth Hess
- cygwin - rlogin editing,
- Re: chroot and mount question and chroot bug,
Noel L Yap
- cygipc works only for administrator? (2nd attempt),
Markus Hoenicka
- can cygwin be set not to set UNIX permissions,
Dana Burd
- Spune-i unui prieten despre Best50,
- Strange problem after re-installation,
Fergus on Linux
- , Íà ðûíêå ýòî ñòîèò â 3 - 5 è äàæå â 10 ðàç äîðîæå, ÷åì ïðåäëàãàåì Ìû !!!,
- chroot problem,
Noel L Yap
- Question about version of GREP,
Frazer, Ryan
- htdig no longer compiles correctly on cygwin,
- cygnus and ghostscrip,
Dario Alcocer
- chroot and mount question,
Noel L Yap
- scripts and exe file extensions in tcsh,
Patt, Vladimir
- How to represent multi-line strings?,
vaithal s
- fly-1.6.5, create gif's on the fly,
Gerrit P. Haase
- setuo.exe saying "everythin installed",
walter rataj
- Bug in red Hat linux version 7.0,
na na
- @pathname expansion not working?,
Joachim Herb
- Symbol in DLL begin with _,
Pasch, Thomas (ACTGRO)
- Re: GCC 3.0 for i686-pc-cygwin target, bootstrap fails,
Corwin Joy
- Antw: Problem with cygwin on smb(linux) network drive,
Markus Hammele
- cygipc works only for administrator?,
Markus Hoenicka
- openGL problem,
- bleadperl on cygwin, make hangs in a loop,
Gerrit P. Haase
- Re: mkpasswd - mkgroup inconsistency in W2K Professional (cronproblem),
Jari Aalto
- Tell a Friend about Best50-India,
- $B>.@tFb3U(B $B;Y;}IT;Y;}6[5^(B
- ghostscript 6.51-1: ps2pdf, pdfwrite problem,
Robert A McDougall
- Messed up HOME,
Brian Foddy
- cygz DLL missing from 1.3.2 distrib under win98,
Michael J. Gourlay
- [] Auto Reply to your message ...,
Robert Collins
- libiconv-1.7 on cygwin-1.3.2 problems,
Gerrit P. Haase
- FW: Does cygwin tool kit Support threads,
Anjani Prasad Achanta
- Window manager for xfree86,
Anjani Prasad Achanta
- Getting emacs under cygwin?,
Martin Cohen
- BCO,
Daniel Molina
- RE: Re: Anybody really runs sshd in win2K? (fwd),
Prentis Brooks
- Virus Alert,
- Problem Tunneling VNC through SSH,
- gcc_Problem,
Mr.Serkan Gumusbicak
- Building dll,
Markus Hammele
- Anybody really runs sshd in win2K?,
Rael Gugelmin Cunha
- Re: per-process mounts (Was: directory hard links),
Noel L Yap
- Problem with cygwin on smb(linux) network drive,
Markus Hammele
- Strange bug in C pre-processor - cygwin 1.0,
- ssh hanging with -f option--a workaround,
Karl M
- 1.3.2: gcc bug (NT 4.0),
Anyos Bela
- help2man doesn't work for me,
Gerrit P. Haase
- Cannot change console mode when set CYGWIN=tty,
Mike Gingell
- SSH no works in Win2k, only in Win98,
Rael Gugelmin Cunha
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: OpenSSL-0.9.6b-1,
Corinna Vinschen
- calc and your web site,
Landon Curt Noll
- Understanding Cygwin /etc/passwd and /etc/group on W98,
Steve Jorgensen
- gcc-3.1 test gcc.dg/wint_t-1.c fails on cygwin,
Billinghurst, David (CRTS)
- Re: New version of cygwin-mount.el,
Richard M. Heiberger
- lots of problems in cygwin,
ronghua zhang
"Prepend" doesn't mean what you think it means,
Clarke Echols
TCP Wrappers Port,
Prentis Brooks
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Mumit Khan
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Prentis Brooks
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Mumit Khan
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Christopher Faylor
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Christopher Faylor
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Prentis Brooks
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Mumit Khan
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Prentis Brooks
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Prentis Brooks
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Christopher Faylor
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Prentis Brooks
- Re: TCP Wrappers Port,
Prentis Brooks
directory hard links,
Noel L Yap
1.3.2-1: SEGV signal after vim start in mutt,
Marcin Koren
Peter Bukley pls help me!,
Pls...a student need help URGENTLY,
Can we swap links?,
Richard Newman
Cygwin Installation,
chris chizk
Re:Cygwin size,
Jorge Goncalvez
Your message has been bounced by,
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: OpenSSH-2.9p2-3,
Corinna Vinschen
Problems with expect logging out (going from 1.1.8 to 1.3.2),
Mark Fisher
Cygwin Telnet Configuration,
Bug in pthread_equal,
Pieter de Visser
InterScan Virus Alert,
newbie ide question,
Oskar Nield
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: autoconf-2.52-1,
Corinna Vinschen
XP now blocking cygwin?,
Tim Prince
gprof prints incorrect results,
Francois Colbert
cygwin GURU needed: native cygwin, native DOS and perl:,
RE: WinXP: "make" from a Bash shell works fine, but gets "couldn't re serve space" from DOS shell,
Karr, David
WinXP: "make" from a Bash shell works fine, but gets "couldn't reserve space" from DOS shell,
Karr, David
mkpasswd - mkgroup inconsistency in W2K Professional (cron problem),
[Fwd: Re: Setup problems - windows 98],
Peter Buckley
chroot to mounted drive,
Noel L Yap
problem/bug in select command of socket / winsock,
PayPaI Cash Give-Away,
TCP/IP Stack,
Bruce Black
Bernard Dautrevaux
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Dario Alcocer
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Robert Collins
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Charles Wilson
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Dario Alcocer
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Robert Collins
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Charles Wilson
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Dario Alcocer
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Robert Collins
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Dario Alcocer
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Robert Collins
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
egor duda
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Robert Collins
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Borsenkow Andrej
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Robert Collins
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Borsenkow Andrej
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
egor duda
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Robert Collins
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Dario Alcocer
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- Re: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Charles Wilson
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Dario Alcocer
- RE: RPM installer (was Re: SETUP WIZARD FOR CYGWIN?XFREE86),
Bernard Dautrevaux
Source code for setup.exe?,
Adam Shapira
Adam Shapira
AD: AS SEEN ON TV! The Letter That's Making People Rich...,
Help with Lapack,
David Farrugia
RE: Unix "script" utility continued... cygwin newbie need a porting expert'shelp.,
Perry Dykes
is cygwin lame???,
Michael Scheibler
- Re: is cygwin lame???,
Christopher Faylor
- Re: is cygwin lame???,
John Fortin
- Re: is cygwin lame???,
Charles Wilson
- Setup problems - windows 98,
- Re: Setup problems - windows 98,
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Re: Setup problems - windows 98,
- Re: Setup problems - windows 98,
Peter Buckley
- Re: Setup problems - windows 98,
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
- Re: Setup problems - windows 98,
- Re: Setup problems - windows 98,
Jason Dufair
- Re: is cygwin lame???,
Robert Collins
- Message not available
- Message not available
what package tr and cat?,
Pedro Jones
Re: port of DHCPD,
Jorge Goncalvez
Re:network device,
Jorge Goncalvez
Jorge Goncalvez
bash and french keyboard,
Quang Nguyen Tuan
Export Library from CygWinPerl to ActivePerl...,
SSHD,NT4, command="..." and $SSH_CLIENT,
Ph. Marek
1.3.2: no uname,
Mike Nordell
Re: Degrading tty behaviour,
Andy Piper
inetd on a Win95 machine,
EXT-Reuter, Chris H
Uninstalling XFree,
Scott Goldstein
Telnet to ports does not work.,
Louis Bohm
1.3.2 bug on NT 4: localtime() & timestring() set errno on success,
Larisa A Stephan
jasper-1.500.0 binary available for cygwin,
Gerrit P. Haase
SSH Authentication not work,
Rael Gugelmin Cunha
1.3.2-1 w32api question,
Bobby McNulty
egor duda
SFTP server when / is c:\,
Mark Bradshaw
cl.exe no such file or directory,
Xiaoxia Dong
Buffered IO curiosity effects non-CYGWIN programs.,
Ed Bradford
Re: Port of DHCP,
Jorge Goncalvez
CYGWIN: User's Guide as One-File,
Andre Theiler
Tom Dorgan
Re:chmod issue,
Jorge Goncalvez
Xwininfo tool working both on NT and Cygwin windows,
arnaud GAND
Command line length limited?!?,
Joachim Herb
Read/write IO ports on NT,
Clive Mayo
Attachments Deleted by MailScan!,
Pushpa Shrestha
Jorge Goncalvez
Re:make target -lpthred,
Jorge Goncalvez
Re:Gcc & WinMain@16,
Jorge Goncalvez
How to start ftpd,
Sikora, Grzegorz SD
Re: kill does not seem to work on Win98?,
Christopher Faylor
OpenSSL issues,
David A. Cobb
Best Money Maker!!!!!,
Joe T.
Building a dll for a RIM pager - any ideas?,
Justin K. M. Sowers
Message with a virus was detected by our server,
Email Virus Scanning System
file dialog boxes with cygwish80,
Mike Henninger
Password Authentication - SSH and Domain Environment,
Joshua McClintock
Re: FW: Crash on setup- Cygwin,
Peter Buckley
RE: Unix "script" utility continued... cygwin newbie need a porting expert's help.,
Glen Coakley
Are there Cygwin How Tos? Would like to contribute,
Steve Jorgensen
FW: Crash on setup,
Becker, Brian W
Repost: PLEASE HELP! Using -mno-cygwin,
Chris Marshall
From Brent Jensen,
Jensen, Brent
Cygwin and mipsel?,
The Rookie
basic stuff,
Joe T.
1.3.2 groff Win 98 se,
Anthony Howe
Repaired win98 system,
Bobby McNulty
Inadvertent mail blockage,
Christopher Faylor
Re: which TZ timezones does date command recognize?,
Nicolai Henriksen
No rmdir after moving cygwin.,
Probably a very simple problem - hopefully someone will help me,
David Ayliffe
Kurt Roeckx
Graphical debugger for java,
Scott Goldstein
Fw: $B%a!<%k%"%I%l%97c0BHNGd(B,
Jon Twoface
problems with make...,
Dave BT
fhandler_base::fork_fixup errors with cygwin1-20010719.dll,
Dr. Volker Zell
Text editors under Cygnus,
Tail doesn't follow,
RTFM apology on untangling security,
Steve Jorgensen
debug script.c - PTY question,
Perry Dykes
rxvt pixmaps upside down?,
Gary Spivey
Att: Windows users: Worm found on win98 system,
Bobby McNulty
Did some porting for cygwin,
Marcus Börger
Press Release,, LLC
Win98 and multiple users,
Peter Jones
Building GCC 3.0 under Cygwin,
David Abrahams
Problems with generating kde2 dlls under cygwin,
Ralf Habacker
Untangling security - W2K on NT domain,
Steve Jorgensen
Odd mv behaviour,
Eugene Ciloci
VIM Syntax Colors,
Barry Buchbinder / Isabelle Trocheris
Newbie: Proper?? method for running windows apps,
Gary Spivey
Lynx : unable to connect to remote host --error -possible fix,
Saurabh Gupta
Fw: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll,
eCommerce Software Solutions Inc.
Turnkey Online Business,
Makefile.DLLs dll_init.c doesn't link,
Christopher Hicks
problems with rsync --daemon (was: RE: rsync),
Gerrit P. Haase
CVS repository appears to be unstable; any ETA for fix?,
Jonathan Kamens
User key files in a Domain environment,
Joshua McClintock
Re: Problem with BASH/Cygwin.dll,
Christopher Faylor
Is there a 'locale' binary for CYGWIN?,
Offord Garry-QA3813
Quick query,
Julian Hall
autoconf error with /dev/ptmx,
cron ignores my settings,
Devin McRorie
Re:gcc Problem,
Jorge Goncalvez
icon for cygwin (update),
August Mayer
qmail compilation,
CYGWIN on W2K Telnet Server. Solution "to couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout",
LeGardeur Michel (external)
Handy script offering,
Steve Jorgensen
problem with tar -xvzf and permissions on W2K,
Steve Jorgensen
gmake MAKE_MODE problem,
Erwin Kalvelagen
As Seen On National TV ~ WOW ~ (Incredible, Amazing Adv),
stdin, stdout, stderr,
Joerg Fischer
patch to,
Mark Bradshaw
id doesn't seem to work properly for multiple users under W2K,
Peter Schröder
Where can I find the CAT utility?,
Windows 2000, telnet, and Cygwin's Bash,
bill milbratz
Problems with ncurses.,
Kurt Roeckx
Problems running dejagnu on libstdc++v3.dg in gcc-3.0.1 prerelease 2001-07-16,
Christian Jönsson
Question on assert.h,
Steve Lhomme
Permanently mangled my Cygwin install,
Steve Jorgensen
Minor User's Guide error,
Bryan Higgins
Problems with XML::Parser,
RUMBLE,PHIL (A-Scotland,ex1)
Tip: Run Cygwin shell as different user on W2K,
Steve Jorgensen
icon for cygwin,
August Mayer
Subscription To List,
100% Free,
Cygwin tool?,
Ronald W. Cook
Windows XP problems?,
Joseph S. Testa
Re: Threaded Cygwin Python Import Problem,
Greg Smith
How To REACH 70 million households on TV,
1.3.2-1: problem running Expect from JNI.,
Vaughn Balchunas
cygwin 1.0,
Amin de Jesus Morales Villanueva
RE: mounts in gnupro99r1p1,
Peter Buckley
4-byte swap,
Stephen Hansen
New User: including a third party DLL and using -mno-cygwin,
Chris Marshall
cron and cygrunsrv 0.94,
Karim Jouhari
backslash difference in NTEmacs/CygWin in compile buffer,
Daniel Barclay
setup.exe local install problem,
John Daniel Doucette
Re: nobinmode,
Earnie Boyd
love fun virus in setup.exe,
Stefan Keil
Umlauts on commandline and in .bat files,
Ralf Fassel
Can't make Cygwin whois port,
Steve Jorgensen
[bug?] g77 intrinsic ETIME,
Jong B. Lee
How to Build a Self Extracting Exe,
Sreekanth Gopisetty
Can I expect electric fence to work?,
How to make your shell window bigger,
Michael D. Crawford
FW: [gdal-dev] GDAL 1.1.5 Beta 1,
Norman Vine
Mark Bradshaw
1.3.1, 1.3.2, Expect Spawn problem.,
Keith Graham
building gcc/g++ seems OK but building g77 seems to be seriously broken,
ted byers
Kurt Roeckx
cannot core dump,
Tak Ota
Problem dereferencing with ls -L,
Steve Jorgensen
newbie qns,
Arafat Mohamed
Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Mo DeJong
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Christopher Faylor
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Mumit Khan
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Mo DeJong
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Mo DeJong
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Mumit Khan
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Mo DeJong
- Spaces in User Name...,
Dave BT
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Robert Collins
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Trevor Forbes
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Christopher Faylor
- Re: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Robert Collins
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: Linking to cygwin1.dll and msvcrt.dll ?,
Steve Jorgensen
broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Troy Noble
- Re: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Christopher Faylor
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Troy Noble
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Puttkammer, Roman
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Troy Noble
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Troy Noble
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Troy Noble
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Heribert Dahms
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Troy Noble
- RE: broken CTRL-BREAK handling,
Karr, David
installing from backup of cygwin directory,
Nathan Fouarge
RE: Cygwin 20.1b & 1.3.2 on same system,
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
Jean Barata
ipc-daemon problem,
Jean Barata
SOUND on cygwin,
Clark, Matthew C (FL51)
Robinow, David
OpenSSH 2.9p2-2 w/ Cygwin 1.3.2-1 doesn't background?,
Christopher J. Pilkington
Using the "at" command,
L. Hovey
Regarding Compilation of OpenSSH2.9,
Wipro UWIN
PATH troubles,
Francis Meyvis
Building Apache JServ,
problems setting up openssh 2.9p2-2 with keyfiles,
Hans Sturm
does patch.exe work different than other unx patch tools?,
Armin Theissen
- Re: does patch.exe work different than other unx patch tools?,
Corinna Vinschen
Jnb ZI / Chris Wenk
Corinna Vinschen
Chris Wenk
Corinna Vinschen
James E. LaBarre
Corinna Vinschen
Christopher Faylor
James E. LaBarre
Christopher Faylor
Eric M. Monsler
Kurt Roeckx
Corinna Vinschen
Charles S. Wilson
Max Bowsher
Michael A. Chase
Christopher Faylor
Andrej Borsenkow
Christopher Faylor
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: does patch.exe work different than other unx patch tools?,
Armin Theissen
- Re: does patch.exe work different than other unx patch tools?,
Armin Theissen
- Re: does patch.exe work different than other unx patch tools?,
Michael A. Chase
- RE: does patch.exe work different than other unx patch tools?,
Heribert Dahms
Security of SSH,
sandhya manmohan
New IMAP 4rev1 Server Release,
James Grishaw
Re: new to-do item,
Christopher Faylor
Alison Winters
What does Dos mode vs unix mode mean when you install cygwin,
Castle, Eric
Newbie question about adding modules to cygwin perl,
Castle, Eric
telnetd binary mode,
Alison Winters
natd and dhcpd,
libpq on windows,
Gilberto Ribeiro de Queiroz
new patch for setup.exe uninstall,
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: OpenSSH-2.9p2-2,
Corinna Vinschen
select on the parallel port, and non-blocking io,
Kurt Roeckx
Setting stdin to non-blocking io,
Kurt Roeckx
Urs Stettler
problems with perl in text mode,
Neubauer, Frank
1.3.2: date command does not show 3-letter time zone on NT.,
Bil Mason
Ronald Landheer
openssh hangs in the background?,
Christopher J Pilkington
database template library,
Rajesh M
Building cygwin.dll,
Bill Petheram
Fwd: Cygwin package selective installation,
A Roturier
CygX observations,
Ronald W. Cook
ZooLib app framework builds under CygWin,
Michael D. Crawford
Problem with shell commands,
Joerg Fischer
Libtool for Cygwin question,
Steve Jorgensen
Hello, your friend recommended openxxx to you,
execve() fails in a thread under 98/ME,
Greg Smith
[Patch] regtool - Handle keys with only one subkey,
Chris Genly
inetd startup issue,
Tom Dorgan
[ANNOUNCE] 3rd party modules for Apache 1.3,
Stipe Tolj
Where is the rest of the programming info?,
Steve Jorgensen
Curious - why Cygwin Bash so much faster in rxvt than Windows CLI?,
Steve Jorgensen
Making GDBM [ a long story ],
David A. Cobb
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: postgresql-7.1.2-3,
Jason Tishler
Building gcc3.0 appears to have worked,
ted byers
Bug in pthread_cond_signal under Win NT 4.0,
Ken Tew
David G. Baur
File timestamp not updated by writes with current snapshot?,
Jonathan Kamens
Rafael Avalos Pelayo
data in socketpair() channel lost if writer closes or exits without shutting down,
Jonathan Kamens
NTVDM illegal instruction,
Michael Eager
Problems with gprof,
Stefano Materni
gcc version 2.95.3-5 (cygwin special) Anonymous structures allocated wrong.,
Jim Buckeyne
library in cygwin,
John Albert
Re: cygwin Digest 11 Jul 2001 22:20:43 -0000 Issue 1319,
Julian Hall
OpenSSH Question (under Win2K-Pro),
Daniel J Cain Jr.
ssmtp error,
about uuencode,
A Roturier
Jason Craig
ignore this,
CVS server on cygwin,
Tim Heath
Re: Running Dejagnu under Cygwin,
problem with heap, win32 error 487,
Thorsten Clevorn
Re: man page running again,
Jason Tishler
htdig on windows 2000 _with_ german umlauts,
Sasa Velickovic
mt on NT,
Stephen Hansen
gdb causing .dll lockup?,
Eric M. Monsler
Problem including Cygwin header files.,
Mo DeJong
Random Signal 11 Exception running under Cygwin,
Michael Eager
dlopen/dlsym without cygwin.dll,
Henk Vandecasteele
Interesting interop note for 1.3.2,
Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
RE: WARNING: Updating from OpenSSH-2.9p1-2 to OpenSSH-2.9p2-1,
Alejandro Allievi
AW: heap error,
Bolten, Dierk
[ANNOUNCEMENT] WARNING: Updating from OpenSSH-2.9p1-2 to OpenSSH-2.9p2-1,
Corinna Vinschen
Regarding databse connection,
Sheejan Kallely
Is CygWin the thing for UNIX compatible web development on Windows?,
Raith Munro
cat on cygwin,
LECONTE Jean-michel
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Corinna Vinschen
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Riaan Labuschagne
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Fred Yankowski
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Jason Tishler
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Fred Yankowski
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Jason Tishler
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Jason Tishler
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Fred Yankowski
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Fred Yankowski
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Jason Tishler
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Corinna Vinschen
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Fred Yankowski
- Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygrunsrv-0.94-1,
Fred Yankowski
Binutils man pages - y2k problem,
Hathaway Nigel-NHATHAW1
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: OpenSSH-2.9p2-1,
Corinna Vinschen
not owner?,
Thomas Lien
Porting NumPy,
Veinardi Suendo
Starting Apache,
Tak Ota
COM DLL with Cygwin C++?,
Richard Heintze
Want a program to contribute how ?,
Joachim Falk
Does -mno-cygwin sometimes have no effect?,
Deneb Meketa
Re: BASH syntax for passing command line to argument,
cron 1003.2 - W2k Professionl - not starting,
Jari Aalto+tpu.misc
Steve Jackson
cvs pserverd,
Tim Heath
A short question concerning Cygwin,
C.S. Kim
error while building cygwin1.dll,
Berit Sundøy
RE: Ref. : Postgresql on NT,
Steve Jorgensen
Problems using cygwin on Windows 2000,
Y. Herman
error trying to build very simple dll,
Robert Cordingley
update: building a cygwin -> linux gcc(crosscompiler pe->elf32) problems,
Nathan Fouarge
Cron problem,
Sergey Melnykov
no sigwait,
Thomas Lien
SSH on multiple ports,
Simha, Shuba
bad pipe,
Ronald W. Cook
XEmacs with cygwin under WindowsMe ?,
Karl Pflästerer
Bill Metzenthen/CLTD/COH is out of the office.,
Mail list,
Riaan Labuschagne
FW: Réf. : Postgresql on NT,
Riaan Labuschagne
Réf. : Postgresql on NT,
error starting cron on nt4,
Erik Bak-Mikkelsen
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cron-3.0.1-4,
Corinna Vinschen
Rajesh M
Installer cannot find packages,
Frank North
1.3.2 chroot bug (NT 4.0 and W2K),
Peter Keller
heap error,
Bolten, Dierk
Cygwin and >4GB file support,
Kai-Uwe Rommel
1.3.2 : Fork + Sleep = problem,
Adam Stallard
RE:Perl and winnt,
Jorge Goncalvez
1.1.8: can't access /home/user from a windows native executable like rc.exe,
Michael Mustun
Postgresql on NT,
Riaan Labuschagne
Porting UNIX app. to WINNT,
gopalakrishnan ganesh
Capture for Nikon Coolpix 995,
William Mikkelsen
The best chinese manufacturer,
Internet FORUM XXI,
Building an ARM GCC cross compiler under Cygwin,
Malcolm Beale
installing sftpd on Win2k,
Carl Masens
mess screen, help,
Re: C lib,
Joseph I. Davida
[ANNOUNCE] Apache 1.3.x binaries,
Stipe Tolj
Unresolved Symbols,
Dag Bader
Paste from clipboard does not work,
upx executable compressor updated to v1.20,
Gerrit P. Haase
RE: nothing to install/update when using setup from local directory,
Peter Buckley
incoherence of system uid between inetd, cron and openssh,
Laurent Hubert
Re: mmap not share,
Corinna Vinschen
Transfering files using Zmodem through a modem (Take II),
Error in access() with long file names,
Michael Eager
strange heap error,
Bolten, Dierk
building a cygwin -> linux gcc(crosscompiler pe->elf32) problems...,
Nathan Fouarge
Re: initdb failure - postgres hangs with 100% CPU,
Jason Tishler
Calling bash from system() on NT,
Lucky Vidmar
Q: nothing to install/update when using setup from local directory,
Floyd Harriott
Porting of unix to NT,
subramani Srinivasan
application icons,
Michael Scheibler
ssh stalls after completion of command,
Frank Wuebbeling
inetd security issues,
Carl Masens
Odd Error: 'coudn't commit memory for cygwin heap' during configuration of binutils,
Max Bowsher
Request for help building cygwin to h8300-hitachi-hms cross-compiler,
Max Bowsher
hai Earnie!!!,
manish kulkarni
Cannot find file full.exe,
Glenn Goslin
cygwin heap error,
Bolten, Dierk
Re:Inetd and restart,
Jorge Goncalvez
get and receive mail,
FREE Non Surgical Face-Lift in a Bottle,
Re: Pause with make,
Manisha Jain
Îçåëåíåíèå è ëàíäøàôòíûé äèçàéí,
Êîìïàíèÿ "\"Ðóññêèé" "Ñàä\
Tak Ota
Java Runtime.exec(),
SAWANT,SACHIN (Non-HP-PaloAlto,ex1)
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables,
Sasa Velickovic
using cygpath & make,
Help building gcc 3.0 for arm-elf under cygwin,
Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
Korn and C Shell Support,
Lassiter-Bryson, Veda L
pom for Cygwin?,
Al Azif
XFree86 4.1.0 installation question,
Chris Carlson
I would like to help,
Chris Carlson
Re:inetd and log file,
Jorge Goncalvez
Re:perl and cygwin,
Jorge Goncalvez
Super Weight Loss, Guaranteed!,
gdb wont open source,
Anni Hienola
would love it if more people made contributions?,
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Re: CRON and time,
Corinna Vinschen
file locking (F_GETLK) porting workaround anyone???,
Emacs in a terminal window,
Alex Malinovich
1.3.1-1: SCP leaves an SSH instance behind after uploading,
Ralf Steines
Bug report in installer,
Phillip Susi
Shaolin Secure FTP v0.87 Beta 2,
Joseph S. Testa
bleadperl, now problems on cygwin,
Gerrit P. Haase
Why not try this,
You will be satisfied,
perl exec question,
Noel L Yap
bash exec question,
Noel L Yap
tin-1.5.9 on cygwin, [patch],
Gerrit P. Haase
Bug Report RH7.0 similar on 7.1 also,
100,000 Million Email Names Plus Software, $99.95!,
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: ghostscript-6.51-1,
Dario Alcocer
Undead hard link,
Alex Malinovich
DJGPP & CygWin cohabitation,
Ronald Landheer
error in pthreads implementation?,
Julian Hall
Join list,
Re: rsync,
Gerrit P. Haase
All Free,
Free Free
Resource Error on Make Execution,
Sid Ray-Chaudhuri
Perl, text files, & \r,
Christopher Rath
- Re: Perl, text files, & \r,
Max Bowsher
- RE: Perl, text files, & \r,
Christopher Rath
- Perl 5.6.1-1 with Apache 1.3.20-i686-whatever-cygwin,
- RE: Perl, text files, & \r,
Gerrit P. Haase
- Re: Perl, text files, & \r,
Charles S. Wilson
- Re: Perl, text files, & \r,
Michael A. Chase
- RE: Perl, text files, & \r,
Christopher Rath
- Re: Perl, text files, & \r,
Michael A. Chase
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: Perl, text files, & \r,
Stephan Mueller
After Installation, Using Man produces Error,
setup.exe bug!,
John Daniel Doucette
rxvt and fonts.,
Goodbye from '',
Topica Support
Welcome to!,
Carl Weisbrod
Transfering files using Zmodem through a modem.,
Re: [PATCH] rxvt bell fix,
Michael Schaap
newbie cant even type ~ or ' properly,
Vilson farias
Vim 5.8 problems.,
rxvt & prompt,
Puttkammer, Roman
Re: Problems with Apache 1.3.20,
Edgar Ruiz Rojas
Venugopal M.
Java on cygwin success,
Julian Hall
ports of some tools now online,
Gerrit P. Haase
Timezone setting (Found it!).,
Timezone setting.,
How to complete in /cygdrive and //server/share in zsh,
Andrej Borsenkow
Natd and dhcpd for Cygwin?,
Small alternative to su,
Christopher Dale Campbell
Timing problem,
Morrison, John
windres bug + fix,
Dmitry Timoshkov
Problem choosing exe entry point.,
Mo DeJong
new setup,
Christopher Faylor
Chinese input in Cygwin (fwd),
Pofeng Lee
/usr/bin tools and directories with backslashes,
Jeffrey Twu
cygwin and window 2000,
Steve Nguyen
My attempt to build gcc-3.0 failed :-(,
ted byers
When will the pipe key be fixed?,
David Starks-Browning
bleadperl builds on cygwin,
Gerrit P. Haase
Pipe "make" stdout and stderr to process?,
Karr, David
Documenting heap_chunk_in_mb,
Randall R Schulz
stty source and executable,
Mark Bradshaw
Progress update with gcj on cygwin,
Julian Hall
suppressing username@computername header,
Clark Sims
crontab in Cygwin+Win98?,
Paul Y. Peng
Failed publickey for after changing W2k Password,
Joshua McClintock
Installing Berkeley DB 3.2.9,
Shabbir S. Talib
fetchmail-5.8.1 binary,
Gerrit P. Haase
multiple slashes in the path on command hose up java jar command.,
Michael Mercer
Identifying version #'s for cygwin,
Clark Sims
Kumar, Narendira
Re: Cygwin 2.1 and Python modules,
Jason Tishler
I can't find command su.exe,
arnaud GAND
Cygwin and curses,
Walter Milner
SECURITY.NNOV: directory traversal in multiple archivers,
tar port special DOS/Windows device name,
any thoughts to ports collection?,
B. K. Oxley \(binkley\)
Problem in gdb installation,
Robert Marshall
problem with cygtclsh80.exe,
A Roturier
CVS problem,
Carl Hetherington
Can't run Mingw gcc from Cygwin,
Moore, Paul
fetchmail in cygwin,
Jain, Manish (MED, TCS)
RXVT - yet another thread :)),
S. L.
Can't start windows-progs like 'edit' over telnet,
Andreas Schlager
Girish Sharangpani
A doubt with a jdbc connection to cygwin postgres,
Sergio Ramos
Correct way to do full download to system with existing install,
Steve Jorgensen
Re: Confused by gettext on cygwin,
Charles S. Wilson
Zsh observations,
Michael Schaap
- Re: Zsh observations,
- RE: Zsh observations,
Andrej Borsenkow
- RE: Zsh observations,
Michael Schaap
- RE: Zsh observations,
Andrej Borsenkow
- RE: Zsh observations,
Michael Schaap
- RE: Zsh observations,
Michael Schaap
- RE: Zsh observations,
Andrej Borsenkow
- RE: Zsh observations,
Michael Schaap
- RE: Zsh observations,
Andrej Borsenkow
- RE: Zsh observations,
Michael Schaap
- RE: Zsh observations,
Andrej Borsenkow
- RE: Zsh observations,
Michael Schaap
- RE: Zsh observations,
Andrej Borsenkow
- Re: Zsh observations,
Christopher Faylor
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Zsh observations,
Christopher Faylor
sshd does not authenticae (latest cygwin and win2k),
Timo Kaluza
Pipe key missing (again),
Carl Hetherington
1.3.2 non-blocking serial read is blocking,
Anthony Pighin
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: jbigkit-1.2-4,
Charles S. Wilson
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: xpm-nox-4.1.0-1,
Charles S. Wilson
Jorge Goncalvez
CVS - Permision denied,
Gunnar Norling
1.3.2 bug: expect kills the terminal,
Stanislav Sinyagin All Com AG
isblank(3) missing?,
Gerrit P. Haase
unsubscribe failed,
cygwin w/o source:,
Robert Collins
1.3.2: bash: Swedish characters not displayed (beeps instead),
Does crt prepare arg[cv]?,
Tak Ota
Re: cp error -- oh the great sanity of *nix tools?!?,
Charles S. Wilson
bug in rcs 5.7,
John Wiersba
Vrijlal M S
Re: How to get CYGXMP-X4.DLL ?,
Charles S. Wilson
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: readline-4.2-3,
Charles S. Wilson
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gettext-0.10.38-2,
Charles S. Wilson
Font display utility...,
MarK Stucky
inetd: how does one change the priority?,
James Grishaw
Other documentation resources - new discussion?,
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
mico 2.3.5 package for cygwin,
Christophe Prud'homme
Trouble in RXVT with line wrap,
David A. Cobb
I believe this is a typo.,
Paul Johnson
Packing zsh with Cygwin,
Sandeep Tamhankar
Re: Rxvt vs. as standard cygwin window,
David A. Cobb
Compiling libgjc under cygwin,
Julian Hall
RE: Virus found in gdb, ghostscript and python,
Peter Buckley
fyi: Virus found in gdb, ghostscript and python,
Shirley Goldstein
sendmail for cygwin??,
Andrew Kitchen
Problems accessing CVS pservers,
Christopher Currie
Cygwin is simply amazing,
Fred Kulack
Numpy on Cygwin,
Jochen Küpper
Having problems to start cygwin,
Karl Johan Larsson
Brian Ling
1.3.2 bug with scanf and long long int,
Tanguy Risset
Guillaume SMET
Problem with startxwin,
Quek Hong Cheang
Re: [opendx-users] missing CYGXMP-X4.DLL,
Charles S. Wilson
RCS 5.7 problems...,
change default shell,
Re: Chinese Language in Cygwin,
Enoch Wu
Newer Tcl?,
Sandeep Tamhankar
ActivePerl ?,
Chinese display and input,
Installation problem: nothing to install?,
Phil Mitchell
SSHD/Win2k Password/Key Equivlancy problem,
Joshua McClintock
FW: Off-Topic: RE: "shouted down", "shot down", apologies,
Glen Coakley
A doubt with a jdbc connection to c. postgres,
Sergio Ramos
Re: Whois,
Gerrit P. Haase
RE: Can regtool be used to rename a key?,
Glen Coakley
RE: "shouted down", "shot down", apologies,
Glen Coakley
re: cygwin-1.3.1-1 gcc/CPP0.exe error. Absolute mystery.,
Re: Local Setup Cache & Rlogin problems,
Sandeep Tamhankar
Re: gcc floating point problem with scanf,
Sandeep Tamhankar
problems with gcc,
Irsan Saparianto
bruno patin
Sebastian Riedel
Executing shell command to run bash from within emacs,
Clark Sims
Re: I ask a small favor of Mr. Hamster (was "shouted down" etc),
Thomas Widlar
Re: [postmaster@sourceware] problems with cygwin,
Christopher Faylor
gcc howto,
Pierre Loic Herve
re: documentation for windows,
Joshua Franklin
1.3.2, 1.1.8: Pipelines losing data? (Windows 2000),
russell christian sears
- Re: 1.3.2, 1.1.8: Pipelines losing data? (Windows 2000),
Randall R Schulz
- Re: 1.3.2, 1.1.8: Pipelines losing data? (Windows 2000),
Randall R Schulz
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: 1.3.2, 1.1.8: Pipelines losing data? (Windows 2000),
Ronald W. Cook
- RE: 1.3.2, 1.1.8: Pipelines losing data? (Windows 2000),
russell christian sears
- Re: 1.3.2, 1.1.8: Pipelines losing data? (Windows 2000),
russell christian sears
Cygwin 1.3.2(0.39/3/2): multiuser telnet session very slow,
mkpasswd: problem with (UNC-)paths including dollar sign,
Ronny Buchmann
Linux and Cygwin,
Peter Samuels III
Linux & Cygwin,
Robert McNulty Junior
Re: Re: RE: Installing cygwin gcc using sources,
Deepak Shekhar
RE:inetd and NT,
Jorge Goncalvez
Perl/Expect (IO::Tty) under Cygwin,
Roland Giersig
Re: Problem while installing Cygwin,
Anitha Ramesh
Ken Stevens
Documentation for Windows users,
Will Sheppard
DJ Agency - Record Label - Club Dancers Want to know more...,
KlubDJ - Mailserver
Windows 2000 - rxvt does not start?,
Re: Need a ghostscript maintainer.,
Ronald W. Cook
E-Mail Reklama
define missing from header,
Jason Moxham
Strip can reduce size of a Cygwin compiled .exe,
Re: Local Setup Cache,
Robert Collins
some seeming GPL violations,
Robert Collins
chinese input at cygwin1-20010625.dll/Win2000,
Pofeng Lee
Re: gdb run < file,
Eli Zaretskii
Symbolic links.,
Jens Yllman
Re: Need a ghostscript maintainer,
Dmitry Timoshkov
Mail converted by MHonArc