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Re: Cygwin/Xfree on second (low res) monitor


Saul Cozens wrote:

In the abscense of anyone shouting 'nooooooo - you fool!' I commented out lines 244, 245 of wincreatewnd.c and recompiled.

I like people compiling the source themselves and fixing their own problems. Thanks for this :)

However, it would be useful if you sent in a diff so that we knew sort of what you were talking about and could maybe offer some tips. I guess you got the code from CVS, in which case you could:

cd programs/Xserver/hw/xwin
cvs -z3 diff -u wincreatewnd.c > wincreatewnd.c.diff

If you got it from the src packages via setup.exe, then you would have to untar the original source and do something like the following:

cd /usr/src
diff xc-orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/wincreatewnd.c \
xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/wincreatewnd.c \
> wincreatewnd.c.diff

I was shocked and surprised to find that the hack worked. I'm now going to familiarise myself with the code a bit more before suggesting how this feature could be implemented better. Any hints on why the lines are there in the first place would still be appreciated.

I'm not sure why it works since I don't know what you changed. :) I looked and saw comments at 244 and 245.


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