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Re: x-start-menu-icons doesn't install on a W2K german OS

Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> Oh darn, it will be slightly more complex than I had hoped.
> We will actually have to add an option to mkshortcut to have it create
> all folders on the specified path, because it fails if the folders do
> not exist and we have the same problem if we create the folders from our
> shell script.

on uninstall: remove installed entries from the directory and remove the
directory if it is empty.

DIR=<using cygpath here>
for shortcut in xterm xload xbiff ...; do
    rm "$DIR/$shortcut"
if ls -l "$DIR" | grep -q "^total 0"; then
    rm -r "$DIR"

NP: Dekoy - Your Heart
--           ICQ: 126018723

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