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RE: 3PPs (Was Re: multiple cygwin installs (gold star))

On 29 March 2007 14:31, Igor Peshansky wrote:

> After including the link to the definition of 3PPs on the description of
> that gold star, I realized how easily lost the definition is -- it's
> sitting at the very end of a long file, and thus does not end up at the
> top of the screen when the link is followed.
> Relative sorting order of numbers and letters being a constant point of
> contention, I wonder if I shouldn't just move 3PP to be the first acronym
> in the OLOCA...  It would certainly present a nice perspective to anyone
> just browsing it.
> 	Igor

  Surely it should go between TANSTAAFL and TITTL?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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