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RE: cygwin on Vista

On 27 March 2007 06:54, Robert Pendell wrote:

> A co-worker brought in their laptop and their sound wasn't working.  I
> took a look at it.  The drivers appeared to be loaded properly and it
> was definately trying (the sound meter in the sound control panel
> updated) but nothing was coming out of the speakers or headphones.  I
> honestly didn't know if I should blame the drivers, the sound card, or
> the speakers.

  Neither.  Blame Vista.  It's notorious for sound-driver problems.  Still,
only another six months or so and there'll be a service pack I have no doubt,
and anyway, you're probably only trying to listen to pirated music anyway, so
you probably deserve whatever you get, because remember that Microsoft hate
and despise all their customers and are continually engaged in actions
deliberately aimed at harming our interests.....

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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