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Re: [ITP] libSBML-5.12.0-core and moose-3.0.2

On 03/03/2016 17:32, Subhasis Ray wrote:

Hi Ray

   I am willing to maintain cygwin packaging of the MOOSE simulation
environment ( and its dependency libSBML-core
( MOOSE is GPL3 and libSBML is LGPL.
I created working cygport files for both:


as attachment was better

This is my first time with cygwin packaging and it is not clear to me
from the package contributors' guide if I should already upload the
package files or do so after I get a green signal from the forum.

Looking forward to your comments,
- Subhasis Ray

you should provide access to your packages for peer review.

libSBML-core is in debian, so it is fine for general acceptance

But I am not sure about Moose, can you provide data about any Linux
main distribution already packaging it ?
I see a Moose perl framework that I assume is not the same.

Any reason why there is a specific source package for cygwin ?

It is a bit unusual.


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