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[ITP] gtkperf 0.40

The benefit to Cygwin is that we will have a commonly used[1]
benchmark for testing Cygwin/X performance.

Thank you Jon Turney for helping me package this.
Currently at commit e707eaa

[1] It is included in the Phoronix Test Suite:
Note that "1.2.1" is their version number for their packaging and
benchmarking scripts, not a new upstream gtkperf version.

category: X11
requires: libatk1.0_0 libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0 libglib2.0_0 libgtk2.0_0
libintl8 libpango1.0_0 font-adobe-dpi75
sdesc: "GTK+ performance test"
ldesc: "GtkPerf is an application designed to test GTK+ performance. The point
is to create common testing platform to run predefined GTK+ widgets
and this way define the speed of device/platform."

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