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Re: [ITP] Sendmail 8.14.9

Hi Corinna,

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Only two smaller problems:
> - The mailq and newaliases symlinks in /usr/bin must not be part
>   of the package, otherwise they potentially overwrite an existing
>   configuration.  They are created by sendmail-config anyway, if
>   the user chooses to run the script.
> - Probably less important, but the other MTAs are installed into
>   /usr/sbin, not into /usr/libexec.  Fedora installs the sendmail
>   binary as /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail, analog to postfix, which
>   is installed on Cygwin and Linux as /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix.
>   But that's not that important, as long as there's no collision.
> Other than that, I think the package is GTG.

Thanks for the sharp eye. I'll remove the links.


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