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Re: CrossTool-NG, ARM7 bare metal

 It seems to be working ok now.  My issues where mostly configuration
based, aka, some thing I can't turn on, which I dont need much anyway.
:-D  Why can't crosstool-NG generate a C++ compiler?

Any pointers of some gotchas I may end up with?
Well, as you'll see soon enough, "bare-metal" in crosstool-NG is really
that: "bare-metal". It's only a C/C++ compiler, no more. You program will
have to provide all that is needed to speak to the system, provide common
/functions/ (memory management, etc...) and /objects/ (semaphores, shared
memory, etc...) if it needs them.
Really, bare-metal, no more.

Yup, familiar with doing that using Yagarto and the such under Windows.

 My next trick is getting OpenOCD to work correctly with the board,
and integrate that into eclipse.

Everything that is mentioned here is also on my TODO list. Let me know if I can help.


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